2025 Travel Tryouts

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Tryouts for our travel league will be held in mid to late April. There are 2 sessions held in 2 weeks on different days of the week. There will be a designated registration starting early March so you can sign up and register for a travel team. Please keep in mind… some teams may not be accepting new players, so some teams may not even be holding a tryout, some teams may not be actively looking, but will still hold a tryout just in case your child is the next Haaland or Rapinoe. In most cases, the tryout will be run by a trainer and/or the coach. Please read our post Is Travel Soccer For My Child? to find out if this is a good path for your child. For more information please reach out to our Travel Director, Doug Priestley at dpriestley@mtys.org


Tryout Season

February 27, 2024

It’s that time of the year. The silly tryout season…   I always get questions about my opinions on clubs and teams offering tryouts. It is hard to navigate where a good place would be for every single player. There are a few things that come to mind when thinking of tryout season. This season starts to become earlier and earlier with clubs/teams trying to tie down “new” players to their programs. There are fall tryouts as early as the first week after the new year with a deposit that’s due the following week. You have coaches sending player’s messages on Instagram and friend requesting parents on Facebook promising them the world and that they can give them a better situation. This should automatically be a red flag for players who are looking for a new environment. Until New Jersey Youth Soccer and US Soccer cracks down on this, it will continue to happen unfortunately. First, if you plan on leaving or cutting a player you need to let the coach or player know well in advance. There is a respect factor that comes into play in this game. You never want to leave on bad terms since you may want…

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